Vita's AT&T data-plan pricing change


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Remember the pricing plan we unveiled for PlayStation Vita's AT&T data service? Yeah, well, forget it. All of it. Well, most of it. You'll see:

AT&T has changed its 3G data plans for the PlayStation Vita, according to the Vita AT&T listing, to one $15, 250MB plan and one $30, 3GB plan. Previously AT&T announced a $25, 2GB plan instead of the 3GB one, but it seems that wasn't enough of a jump between consumer bases. As there are 1,024 megabytes per gigabyte, paying double for about 12 times the data space doesn't seem like such a bum deal.

The Verizon MiFi might be a better deal since you can use it for a laptop, handheld console, tablet, and other wi-fi device.

Mi-Fi is just Cellular internet converted to Wi-Fi to work with Wi-Fi electronics like laptops, tablets, handhelds, Cellphones with Wi-Fi, and game console with Wi-Fi.

I think Verizon does not advertise this product very much because they want you to buy a dataplan for your laptop, netbook, tablet, cell phone, and Vita, so you don't save money by just using a Mi-Fi wireless Modem for all your Wi-Fi devices when you are out, or it is only available in certain cities which have enough customers to make the Mi-Fi profitable.