Warner Bros. reboot Harry Potter............


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There's a rumor that Warner Bros. is going to reboot the Harry Potter movies sometime in the next 3 to 5 years.

Article can be found here!

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think it's too soon to reboot the Harry Potter franchise? Are you looking forward to it?
Can’t see them been as popular as the originals and don’t think they will catch on much as it’s a little too early to remake them in my opinion. I think it’s time the series has a rest for a bit or else keep focusing on the spin-offs.
I knew this day would come eventually. But I expected them to wait at least 30 years since the moves hold up well.
It's going to be hated on no matter what happens and will never meet the expectations of fans. Plus there's the jk rowling drama.
I feel like it would make continuity more confusing. Especially since there's a stage play/book that isn't a movie. Magic could imply combining a multiverse where one merges with another at a certain point. I would expect it to go the 2D/3D animated route to fit with Multiversus. Maybe trying to undo whatever people hate about JK Rowling changing things in general after being published. I most likely would avoid following it though.
I'm a major fan of the Harry Potter series, however, I have also thought that it was a bit early to remake this series. I was definitely surprised when a friend mentioned to me that they were doing this. I figured they might try to remake this at some point but I didn't know that they were going to do this so soon after the initial series.
It feels too early. Didn't a new movie just come out? I do not believe that you are supposed to reboot a series while still making the old series.
This is way too early and would be an absolute cash in. Its a really bad idea and will harm the brand.