Watch Dogs can be real


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Because everything has to have computers in it!
I guess your right. It could be real, in my opinion anything thing is possible, and this is one of them I would say is possible. 
Hate to say it but this is one of the reasons why I never really got too interested in this game. We have enough worry without a game putting idea's into hackers heads so to speak. Don't get me wrong I do like the idea of the game, it's something different which is what is needed but in a sense it gives out the wrong message. Fingers crossed something like this never comes into the real world.
Shortie861 said:
Hate to say it but this is one of the reasons why I never really got too interested in this game. We have enough worry without a game putting idea's into hackers heads so to speak. Don't get me wrong I do like the idea of the game, it's something different which is what is needed but in a sense it gives out the wrong message. Fingers crossed something like this never comes into the real world.
I'm pretty sure hackers don't need ideas.