
Well-Known Member
i got a pokemon from some guy online. its a level one and im cautious since it is from an old generation. its like blueish with a fire flame on its back. its one of the starters. i cant remember the name. please tell me if i should keep it or release it please.
....This guy?
It's Cyndaquil! I love that starter more than Mudkip.

Ed-and if you think you found another hacked pokemon, battle it, check its Pokedex number and check out bulbapedia or serebii and find it's number to see if it's the right poke.
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i looked at the pokemon i traded and they have no dex no. is that because my pokedex has yet to be linked with the national pokedex?
i looked at the pokemon i traded and they have no dex no. is that because my pokedex has yet to be linked with the national pokedex?


Tha Pokemon is cyndaquil and is obtainable in pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver. It's most likely not hacked, pokemon from those games can be trade to Black and White so don't worry.

You really cannot identify a hacked pokemon unless it's from the same game (being Black or white version in this example). Usually the way to tell is that the Pokemon would be caught in an od location where they do not appear. If they are from older games...then, once traded to Black/White...thers is no way to tell because it will just say what region they are from. Don't worry, it's totally safe. Dangerously hacked pokemon cannot be traded anyhow because of a legit check when on the trading menu. If it's not legit enough to pass then it cannot be traded.(hacked poekmon that are not dangerous will pass this test.)
I'm curious, Porky, what makes a hacked Poke "dangerous"? Really high stats?
I'm curious, Porky, what makes a hacked Poke "dangerous"? Really high stats?

I can't say really...before there was a in game anti hack that would turn a badly hacked pokemon into an undeleteable egg that would start to fill your pc with other bad eggs. I don't think they do this anymore. If the stats exceed the highest possibilities of the pokemon...you can be banned off of wifi temporarily but these pokemon cannot be traded anyhow unless it was a direct wireless trade I believe.

EDIT:typos fixed
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Well, let me tell you this: I got a hacked Machamp over wifi that seemed perfectly legit. Until one day, whenever I finally got it to level 100, I realized it had max IV's in all stats and atleast 550 EV's put into it. Sure enough, after I battled someone and saved a battle video, the Battle Video said, "There is a problem with some of the Pokemon in this battle," or something like that. So, that is when I had proof it was hacked. I eventually released it. (Not after I breeder it with some Dittos, lol.)

So, have a battle with it and save the Battle Video. If you can watch the Video, it's not hacked (badly).
Well, let me tell you this: I got a hacked Machamp over wifi that seemed perfectly legit. Until one day, whenever I finally got it to level 100, I realized it had max IV's in all stats and atleast 550 EV's put into it. Sure enough, after I battled someone and saved a battle video, the Battle Video said, "There is a problem with some of the Pokemon in this battle," or something like that. So, that is when I had proof it was hacked. I eventually released it. (Not after I breeder it with some Dittos, lol.)

So, have a battle with it and save the Battle Video. If you can watch the Video, it's not hacked (badly).

Yeah, passing the EV limit will seriously screw you over. The video didn't work because the game tries to replicate the stats but cannot because of the lock the game has. Replays aren't recordings, it's a cpu vs cpu reenactment. Nice technique, never thought of it...