We Are NOT Unique

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Unique, that's a fallacy that is long since passed its prime. All I see in the news and around me in general is humanity edging closer to the final fall. Humans are nothing special, we will not be here forever, nor will we leave a lasting legacy. We will leave behind nothing, which is a good thing considering how we go about our lives. If you go back far enough you will see it repeat.....The burning of the Library of Alexandria, Roman siege, World War 1, World War 2, Vietnam War, etc.

Do you realize that we are dehumanizing ourselves? We are no better than the insignificant ants that try and raid a neighboring colony, go ahead and call humanity unique. I'll be (in the mean time) sitting back, watching history unfold, again.

And yes, if you have not figured it out yet, I do in fact hate our species.

Discuss, if you wish, how you see our species. Perhaps you have a more "gracious" and "positive" outlook than me.
I see nothing about us being gracious and/or positive. each day we get up and do the same thing over and over until we kick the bucket leaving nothing behind. while people bigger then us destroy other countries and wage countless wars. sooner or later this big blue playground of ours will blow up due to nature or from nuclear bombs and I hope it wipes us out of our misery. (after I die I hope)
QUOTE (Lloyd @ November 15, 2008 03:20 pm)

Ain't that the damn truth! Anyways. We're still uqiue. Maybe not in the higher ups' eyes. But we still are. Like every snowflake is. The comman person doesn't notice, or care for each one. But when someone comes along that likes such things, they're loved. Human kind is rotted to the core, yet are the humans? Does every human crave bloodshed? Do we all wish the world to be gone? should we hate each other or those in charge? Humans are indvial and uqiue, though never aknowlgde. Those who run things place them above us. We are just dirt to them, he, didn't notice that. Talk about irony. Anyways, we're dirt to them, and to us thy're bitchs. So should we really say we're not uquie. Not everyone can do the things you can do? Can anyone be you? Maybe you do the same things over and over again, and never change. Life might boring, but do you really want to change it? If you do, then get up off the computer chair and do something. Don't moan and complain about it. Do something about it.

So that's what I think.

damn........I need another hobby.
I believe everyone has a gift that they can do to help or hurt the world depedning on how you look at it.

But humans aren't better. We are not superior, everything on this Earth was created to be equal. Unforutnately reality got in the way for that.
We all have the possibility of doing great things, most people just choose not to. If you start off believing there is nothing you can do and that there is nothing you have to offer the world, then that is how it will turn out. If you don't try to do something, then you will do nothing.

While the human species may not be unique, each individual in the species is unique. We have many different traits, qualities, morals, taboos, and beliegs. Even amongst people of the same "group", there are differences.

It's all a matter of perspective, and honestly, I prefer to believe that I am the only one like me...so that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to live my life like no one else is living it.