Weirdest book you found at the library?


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My friend found some home made porn scrap book which someone made by cutting out pictures of naked women from a real porn magizine, and glueing it to blank paper and making some sort of a porn-scrap book with subtitles and a story and placed it in my High School library. Weird..., but kind of cool and creative.
Well random fact, I absolutlely loathe libraries XD
But at Borders one of my confidants and I were strolling
looking for a good non-fiction book and we accidently
stumbled upon the sex guides and had a lol tastic time
and enjoyed watching the people who were coming
over to buy the books get embaressesed and then run
away as were reading them XD

Another weird thing is she was hunting in the bargain
section and she found a homosexual story (which we
both eat up) so yeah, fun times XD

We also found play boy in the magazine racks.

The library is evil and filled with germs and
rotting pages D: