Well, I'm screwed

So, it's like this, basically.
I can't see ANY pictures, and .... whatever it is that the shoutbox, and profile menu thingy uses, is ... well, disabled. To be exact, instead of that nice logo, I'm just seeing "Logo", instead of those lovely pictures, I just see text for "New Posts", "No New Posts". As for the profile menu thing or whatever, basically, this menu:
My Profile
My Settings
My Content
My Liked Content
Messenger (0 New)
Manage Friends
Manage Ignored Users
Manage Blogs
is permanently visible. Clicking on my profile name (Which would NORMALLY show the menu) just goes to my profile page.
I have images enabled, Javascript enabled, Flash is installed and enabled.

Also, because of this weird... thing, I can't use the shoutbox. NOTHING happens when I click the buttons. Also, amongst the images I can't see include the icons for the post editor, in otherwords, I can't see any thing like the bold, italic, underline, insert image, insert list, you know.

So, does anyone know how to fix something like this?

Also, another thing that suddenly happened, that I'm FUCKING pissed about... "One of your devices has malfunctioned, and Windows doesn't recognize it".... so am I to assume that after spending 4 days backing up over 200 GB of files, I've basically lost everything on my PC? (Well, I'm seriously considering getting a new one because this 2006-built piece of shit is... well the number before the word "built" should answer that), and I WAS hoping I'd be able to simply restore the files from the Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex External Hard Drive of 3 TB, but I'm worried that I'll find out that all the files were erased when it just S-U-D-D-E-N-L-Y decided to "malfunction", after working perfectly for well, 3 weeks.
The full message is "One of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it. For assistance in solving this problem, click this message." *clicks message* Try reconnecting the device. If Windows still does not recognize it, replace the device. FUCKING SHIT!
IT's not the Browser... since I've been using Firefox since 2006, and Firefox 3.6.13 since er... early December when it was released, and it's literally within the last hour or so that this started.
I did change some settings in AVG PC TuneUp
I'm installing Internet Explorer 9, because I've only used Firefox 3.6.13, and I assumed since it was probably something to do with what I did in the spoilers, it wasn't actually to do with the Browser.
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Exploder? I'm also installing Opera 11.01
I had the same "device not recognized" error with my wireless mouse receiver. I fixed the problem by hitting it against my desk. Probably won't work for the hard drive.

So did the browsers fix it?
Yeah. Also about the external hard drive, here's a really puzzling thing. I tried it on my lap top, and guess what "Device is ready to use", and also guess what, again.... everything was still on there, so nothing was erased. Trust me there have been a few times where I've done something and somehow all my songs on my iPod have been erased, so I thought it'd be the same.   So, if a SPECIFIC USB device doesn't work on a SPECIFIC computer, what does that mean? If it was the device, it wouldn't work on my lap top, or any other computer. If it was the computer, then I wouldn't be able to print from my printer, which uses a USB cable. It can't be the USB ports themselves, because well, the same as above.  I tried it in 2 different ports, and it "didn't install correctly" on either.

Oh you know the problem with the Firefox thing? Well it's got to be something to do with HTML or some code, because I'm literally seeing " instead of quotation marks
<-- and that's appearing as "less than, underscore, less than" instead of that emoticon. Yeah, I'm using Firefox, because I "unblocked images" which somehow was set to "block" (on something that wasn't Firefox itself but something different), but it didn't do anything. I'm gonna try the beta version of Firefox 4, to see if it's that... either that or try 3.6.14.
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