Well this is how Microsoft could buy Blizzard


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Why Microsoft? Why not Sony? Or Nintendo? Well...


Nintendo only has 56 billion to its name.


Sony only has 140 billion to its name.


Microsoft has 2.222 Trillion to its name! Hot damn....
Well microsoft IS the company that makes windows afterall the most used OS in the world, almost every computer in the world is using it.
Why is Nintendo's share price the highest? Is it because Japan is the most in debt nation or it's the most bought stock? Sony also makes various media products like DVD players, cameras, TVs so it must be a brand popularity thing. Also, Dow Jones and Software are on Microsoft's tabs too meaning there's a lot going on that they are involved with. Probably receives materials from Dow Jones for their products.
Well microsoft IS the company that makes windows afterall the most used OS in the world, almost every computer in the world is using it.

Wouldn't think the gaming division get access to so much funds, they be tripling down on this!

Why is Nintendo's share price the highest? Is it because Japan is the most in debt nation or it's the most bought stock? Sony also makes various media products like DVD players, cameras, TVs so it must be a brand popularity thing. Also, Dow Jones and Software are on Microsoft's tabs too meaning there's a lot going on that they are involved with. Probably receives materials from Dow Jones for their products.

Money, stocks, and the whole mess. Glad I don't mess with it.