Welp, there goes the Occulus Rift...


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They're disallowing any 'adult' content on their virtual reality device's store. You know, despite the very obvious market for such and this little thing we like to call the rule of first adopters:


Basically, whether you like it or not... porn is kind of what helps any new medium take off initially. Just ask the internet. Or every form of film known to man.

The fact the people at Facebook/Occulus have turned down this market pretty much means their chances of success are as good as gone.

What do you think about this weird announcement?
So it won't be allowed on the company sponsored market? And anyone's concerned...why? As Link said, nobody buys porn. And I can't really think of any other company that specifically allows you to buy pron through them. It will be SO easy, SO quickly to get tons of free porn online to use with it.