Western Digital Launches World’s First 14TB Hard Drive


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Western Digital has started shipping its newest and largest hard drive, the HGST Ultrastar Hs14. As the name suggests, this drive has a whopping 14TB of space. Not only that, it’s faster and more efficient than the 12TB drives Western Digital started shipping last year.

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14TB is a lot of space.
wew 14 TB, I can download all of my steam games (and another game client) if i have this, I still searching the price, and i think the price of this Hard drive is high right?
wew 14 TB, I can download all of my steam games (and another game client) if i have this, I still searching the price, and i think the price of this Hard drive is high right?

A 14TB hard drive probably cost around $600-700 since you can get a 12TB hard drive for around $590 at Amazon.
14 will most likely be closer to a thousand since it is new.

But I could never use 14 TB even if I stored ever last inch of all my data from all my systems on it.
14 will most likely be closer to a thousand since it is new.

But I could never use 14 TB even if I stored ever last inch of all my data from all my systems on it.

I agree the hard drive will be expensive because ut is new.

If you have multiple copies of the same files and drive partitions on your computer hard drive, or install many versions of operating files, and programs on the same drive, 14TB can fill up fast.
I have a 10 exobyte hard drive.
I assume that's in RAID, right?
According to my system, my SSD is 225.7 GiB (= 242.34 GB).

Checking in the command line:
$ df -h
ファイルシス      サイズ   使用   残り 使用% マウント位置
dev              3.9G     0  3.9G    0% /dev
run              3.9G  1.6M  3.9G    1% /run
/dev/sda3        226G   52G  163G   25% /
tmpfs            3.9G  191M  3.7G    5% /dev/shm
tmpfs            3.9G     0  3.9G    0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs            3.9G  317M  3.6G    9% /tmp
/dev/sda1        197M  603K  197M    1% /boot/efi
tmpfs            790M   68K  790M    1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sdb2        932G  692G  240G   75% /run/media/administrator/BACKY

You can ignore SDB partition in this case, that's just my external HDD, and has therefore nothing to do with the capacity of my tablet.
Only the SDA partition (so everything else) matters.

BTW, here too the sizes are being measured in kibibyte, mebibyte, and gibibyte.
So it's not kilobyte, megabyte, and gigabyte.
It is!! hehehe
On my next upgrade I'd probably get a 6TB. But if a 2 or 3TB SSD comes down in price, I'd grab one of those for sure!