What about the slim people?


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In todays world, it's all about helping the fat people who lacked the will to keep themselves in line. It's good with the reality shows (somewhat), exercise equipment, and the gyms. But when they go after the food, they affect the slim people.

As a person who weighs about 170 pounds to being 6 feet tall, I hate it when I go some place like a restaurant or back in my school lunch days and they cut down on some the sweets or the really good tasting food because people have a wight problem. Heck, one of the restaurants in my area got rid of hot dogs and thus lead to the end of chill dogs.

What are your thoughts about this?
I'm 125, 6'0, age 15. I'm right about average, but I can't gain weight. Since I can't get fatter, I like eating unhealthy once in awhile. I hate it when places just stop making stuff because it's too high in cholesterol, or whatever. If fat people didn't want to be fat, they would work on their weight. Who the hell are they to say what we should eat or not?
I freaking hate my metabolism. I can't gain weight, thus I can't gain muscle. Working out is essentially useless.
Slim people can also have heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and other health problems related to eating salty and high fat foods. My cooking teacher said the inside of your blood vessels can have fat stuck to them, and fat is not always stored under your skin.

The only way to find out for sure you are physically fit is to go to a doctor for a lung, heart and blood tests.

A fat person can out live someone who is slim if the fat person has a stronger heart, and better life style. The Owner of KFC, and Wendys were both fat people, but lived pretty long healthy lives for most of their lives.

I don't like how TV, and magazines make it look like you need to be skinny to be healthy, and attractive since starving yourself, not eating or eating very little can be more dangerous to your health in a short amount of time when you want to be thin as a skeleton.
Don't get me wrong, I'm healthy, I'd just like to put on a few pounds. I work out and almost never eat junky food.
Honestly, people should just be comfortable enough in their own skin to do what makes them happy and not give two shits about what someone else says. Unless it is their doctor, or someone in an authoritative position make judgments on one's health, or a concerned friend, relative or spouse, people should not give a damn about what someone else has to say.

Other than that, I agree with Froggyboy.

One last thing though, there are many more factors other than overeating, and having a lack of will, than can lead to obesity.. it is just that your average, armchair doctor/nutritionist, and fucking moron, will always ASSume that a person has a lack of will power, doesn't exercise or that a person overate all the time that lead them to being obese.