what are doctors in for?


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there was a family reunion today and a lot of people in my family have young kids and hardly any money or insurance to pay doctors and stuff. A good point was brought up that one of my town's hospitals won't take anyone unless they have insurance (and this place is even a catholic hospital) to ensure doctors get paid.

One way or another a doctor will be paid for his or her services but the point is, isn't being a doctor to help and save lives? Or is it just to ensure your patient lives and you continue gathering the money.

All I could say is small places will be filled with doctors that may care for life but these big building doctors just mostly care for money.

So what do you guys think? Are doctors out to save lives or just to make money? Keep in mind if doctors cared about saving lives they could care less about the money.
My old neighbour is a doctor. He got to go to Stanford, and is currently there right now. He really does care, and is trying to make a difference with his research. While there are a number of doctors that care about getting big bucks, I believe a vast amount of them are there because they:
1) Are Extremely smart
2) Find their department fascinating or have an exterior motive
3) Care about helping others.

It's really hard to say. You'd have to do a ton of surveys and whatnot, and even then if it was anonymous, people might would* still lie.
I think most doctors are not in it for the cash since they have to go to school for a very long time and spend a lot of money in medical school unless they have a scholarship.

I think it is the hospital owners or government which order their doctors to not treat people without insurance or risk getting fired.
It all depends. Some doctors are for the money, some actually care about lives. My doctor is nice, and would care more about saving my life than knowing if i could afford it or not.