What are you afraid of?


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Everyone has some sort of fear. Some more unreasonable than others. My biggest fear is being alone. I think Monophobia is the medical term for it. My anxiety hits the roof whenever I find myself alone with no one around.

What are you afraid of? Would others consider it irrational?
I fear many things, anxiety makes that a problem because things can scare me for no reason. Though my biggest fears are probably spiders and falling. Idk what it is about spiders, but I always freak out when I see them. They're just freaky looking. Then falling is pretty self explanatory. Though, I don't really have a fear of heights. If I'm high up and I have some kind of good railing or other protection I'm fine, but if I'm high up with something to stop me from falling, then heights become a problem.
I'm afraid of heights and elevators, as well as spiders, death to them all.
Everyone has some sort of fear. Some more unreasonable than others. My biggest fear is being alone. I think Monophobia is the medical term for it. My anxiety hits the roof whenever I find myself alone with no one around.

What are you afraid of? Would others consider it irrational?

There are times when I'm okay with being alone. As long as I have a book in front of me, I'm okay. However, there was a period where my hubby was working nights and that meant I was home alone at night. It felt really strange when I was at home alone at night. Now, he is back to working during the day so I'm only home by myself during the day.

I think the only time I was afraid of being alone was when he worked nights for a period of about 4 or 5 years. You jump at every noise you hear because I wasn't use to being home alone at night. I would turn on the tv, even if I didn't watch anything, just to have some noise going on in the house that was similar to him being home.
I tend to be a worry-wort but I have gotten better as I've grown older. I actually have a healthy respect towards People. Let me explain :) It's not fear so much but I describe it as respect due to people being able to turn on you at a moment's notice. Or they just don't like you because you dare believe differently from them. Animals on the other hand, I'm not afraid of. Unless they are rabid, you can trust what they will do.
While I don't have a big fear of heights, I really avoid going up on the roof or even ladders if I can help it!