What are your summer plans?


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My Summer plans

Get my A+ Certificate: http://certification.comptia.org/a/default.aspx

Volunteer at Free Geek Vancouver if they accept me: http://freegeekvancouver.org/

Learn as much as I can about Computer Hardware and Operating Systems during the summer.

Learn about Open Source Software.

Post on Mxproject and try to improve MXP more.

Add content to my other websites, blogs, etc.

Find an Entry level Job in IT.

Plav videogames, watch movies & TV, watch fireworks, go out with friends.
first week of june, watch E3 09.

Second week of june, go to New york city for a week.

Third and 4th week, rest up from the trip.

5th week seek out a job and work for the rest of my life while looking into a college.
My plans are hopefully getting a job.

With KH Birth by Sleep looking epic, I will need to get about what $250 - $300 bucks for it total?

Not to mention HK 258 days over 2(how you would say it
) is coming out for DS and me being a KH nerd, will have to get it too.
Take some art and writing courses

Go to KCC (korean culture camp)

Voulenteer at VBS (Vacation Bible School)

Pick up a boy toy