What are your thoughts on Runescape 3 which was recently released


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I played Runescape 3 for a few hours, and it is pretty good.
Runescape...3? Holy cow, it looks pretty nice now, I remember when it was one of the ugliest polygon games ever and now it's starting to look ALMOST comparable with Client based MMO's.. I'm impressed. I might even create a new character and give it a try!
The graphics seem to be really great nowadays. I played this like ages ago but after a little testing it has became better. However, the better graphics may be a problem for players with older computer or devices.
It was my biggest reason for quitting. The graphics were toned up to an uneccessary level when there were several other things that could have been focused on first; instead, additional lag is added to the game. The one-of-a-kind signature combat system was completely changed in an effort to copy other MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, no longer being the RuneScape that players had come to know and love. I had pumped in over 125 days of play time and large sums of money for membership just for Jagex to betray me the way they did. Even if the new "Legacy Mode" is to revert the game to its old style, it will never be the same.
Yeah it is pretty nice, I was really into the new changes they did to combat in the second one and the graphics seemed to always be changing. Three is just a super upgrade from that. Now that I think about it, Runescape really has come a long way, makes me tear up thinking about the first runescape.
I hated the EoC and Runescape 3 updates, but I still like the game!
I just avoided combat until the new Legacy Mode came out. Now that I like!