What are your views on opensource, freeware, and shareware programs?


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I think free software rocks since it allow people who can't afford to buy software the option of using free software as a subsitute to buying software that can be very costly.
Depends, if you really are a graphic designer, you'd be getting Adobe Photoshop.. paid and quite expensive. Some free softwares makes your life a lot cheaper on the net xD Like.. free antiviruses, free graphic design softwares, free P2P softwares, and many many more. Most of them useful and essential for some people. OpenSource is really for programmers.. And for programmers, they must buy softwares too :S Simply it, paid or free softwares depends of your needs.. and wants!
Well, look at it this way.

I am fairly well knowledge'd with computers. So it came time to reinstall an OS on my desktop, I sure as hell didnt have a windows disk, nor would I buy vista and put it on a machine. I went with Ubuntu(free ads, lol) I am happy with it, its fast, much faster than XP, so whats that tell you? As for the argument "Linux doesnt have the proprietary(I believe I have that word right, and spelled correctly) Drivers to run." I say bullsh*t. I installed, and it notified me "connected to wireless internet" on startup, desktop uncluttered, nothing on it, my 2 taskbars, and everything I could use. it told me there where 262 updates to do, none of them were Ubuntu itself, it was my programs.
QUOTE (Stosh @ March 21, 2009 12:26 pm) Well, look at it this way.

I am fairly well knowledge'd with computers. So it came time to reinstall an OS on my desktop, I sure as hell didnt have a windows disk, nor would I buy vista and put it on a machine. I went with Ubuntu(free ads, lol) I am happy with it, its fast, much faster than XP, so whats that tell you? As for the argument "Linux doesnt have the proprietary(I believe I have that word right, and spelled correctly) Drivers to run." I say bullsh*t. I installed, and it notified me "connected to wireless internet" on startup, desktop uncluttered, nothing on it, my 2 taskbars, and everything I could use. it told me there where 262 updates to do, none of them were Ubuntu itself, it was my programs.
I agree Ubuntu is a good OS with plenty of good programs like gimp, Open Office, and FireFox on it.

I recommend it for people who are on a low budget, or have an computer without a OS.
Yeah, I would have to agree, and I would love to see it be a bit more well known.
I owuld make mention to the average user that Ubuntu is way different from Windows in the way it acts and you may have a shock using it
I agree with you, but some of the programs which work with ubuntu are pretty similar to their windows versions, and they are free.

Ubuntu Firefox, Open Office, and Gimp, are pretty easy to use. Installing Flash player can be kind of tricky, but I have a tuturial for that on my website, too. Installing software is the hardest part for most users.
But if you know what you are doing, or sepnd a few minutes on the support forum/google, you should be fine, just a note,. to run programs in root(ubuntu version of the windows "administrator") I have to run the program with a bash(terminal in ubuntu, its also know as command line in windows) command gksu and input your password as seen in froggy's tut for updating.