What bundled Windows software from Windows 10 do you think will be discontinued/gone in the future?


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I feel Windows Defender maybe discontinued or remove from Windows 10 in the future like how Microsoft Security Essentials is now discontinued for Windows XP and other Windows based operating systems because Microsoft decided to no longer work on Security Essentials antivirus.

More people are now using third-party antivirus like McAfee and Norton which came bundled with their store bought computer made by computer makers like Dell, Lenovo, HP, and Acer. I think a lot of stores like Bestbuy, Staples, etc also try to sell antivirus from McAfee and Norton when people bring their computer to the computer repair section to remove a virus and malware. There are also free antivirus like Avast, AVG, etc which somepeople are choosing to use instead of Windows Defender.
it be great if they abandon their own browsers and just go with chrome or firefox.
Well, there are many applications that I don't use. Like windows defender and windows media player.
But as we are taking about a bundle, it should cover everything.