What computer problems do you find hardest to fix?


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Trying to fix a error I don't know how to fix, and not having a working keyboard, mouse, video, sound, or internet connection.

Forgetting the password to an account and not being able to easily to figure out the password.

I find Registry problems pretty frustrating since I need to go online to see which key to modify, make or delete to fix the problem.

Problems which require the Windows Setup/install CD is pretty frustrating, too because I either don't own the CD because my computer never ship with one or I lost the CD.

I don't have many viirus infections, but when I do they can be very frustrating since some viruses are hard to delete.

Replacing expensive hardware like the CPU, Video card, motherboard, hard drive, and power supply can be kind of hard and make me worry about cash.

I'm glad that Windows ME-Vista have System Restore, last known good configuration, safe mode, cmd, and regedit since without it. I have to reinstall the OS and lose all my files.