What do you do?


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What do you try to do on your days off from work? Do you try to do your chores on those days? Or do you try to relax?

I'm not talking about vacation time. I'm talking about your normal days off you get each week.
Depends, I'll clean my apartment up, take care of errands or see a movie. If none of the above, sleep, sleep and more sleep as well as gaming.
Any chores I have to do, I try to do it as soon as I get home from work so that I don't have to do it on my days off. On my days off, I like to relax as much as possible. I'll read, catch up on any tv shows that need to be watched or video games I need to play.
I usually do cleaning in the house & shovel snow outside (if there are any). After that, I either read a book, watch anime, listen to music, or play a game. (usually for 1-2 hours of the day)