Well I consider myself an artist because I see life as an inspiration and using that inspiration I make art (drawings, gfx and sometimes writing) either of something already made (like drawing a favorite cartoon or video game character) or something made out of my own imagination.
And that is my way of considering myself an artist.
I consider myself an artist, i do gfx's but i also do drawings, photography and lynolium block (dont ask me how to spell it, its for stamps). I love to create images in my head and then put it on paper or on the computer or in to a photograph, thats why i consider myself an artist.
Art to me is simply creation. With our mouths we create literary art, sound art all at once. To me art is a constant, a process that can not stop. For art can be still or ever changing.
For me just living makes me an artist. Though dead as I were to rot underneath the Earth I would slowly reshape my body into my weary bones as they would represent the life that I have lived, both loved and loathed to tell my story of the artist I once was and am.
Though to be more spot on for this topic I draw (manga style, realistic humans, clothing, humanoids), music (cello, piano, guitar). I also write (poetry mostly). I also do a lot of recolorization using GIMP. I'm also dabbling in painting furniture currently.