What do you guys think of Samsung W2018?


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It's my dream phone in a way (_ _)/ .

I like the look and it's got decent specs as well if you ignore the camera quality. I have been thinking of getting one but.... Well .. What do you guys think?
It looks like its a six year old phone model?
Oh, the Samsung W2018, the flip phone of our dreams! With its decent specs and sleek design, it's hard not to be tempted. Sure, the camera quality may not be as great as some other phones, but who needs perfect pictures when you've got a phone that flips open like a boss? If you're thinking of getting one, go for it! After all, the heart wants what it wants, and sometimes that means a fabulous flip phone.
Oh, the Samsung W2018, the flip phone of our dreams! With its decent specs and sleek design, it's hard not to be tempted. Sure, the camera quality may not be as great as some other phones, but who needs perfect pictures when you've got a phone that flips open like a boss? If you're thinking of getting one, go for it! After all, the heart wants what it wants, and sometimes that means a fabulous flip phone.
Haha.. Thank you.
I got it the other day the 256 GB version. Even the packaging looks elegant to me :grin:
It's the dual display that I love about it but not so much with it being flip. I hate flip phones.