What do you think about vaping?


Well-Known Member
There seems to be lots of mixed opinions on vaping, I see lots of people vaping these days, it seems to actually be growing even with new laws coming out with the amount of liquid you can sell and the prices.

I admit, I used to smoke a bit, switched to vaping to save money and most importantly my health but I do find I spend more money vaping, especially with the sheer choice of vaping hardware out there.

What's your opinion on it all?
For me it's no different than smoking. I've never smoked or anything, but I can only assume it's just as harmful. There's no way putting stuff in your lungs is good for you no matter what it is.
I'm not a fan of it, but hey, it's not smoking, and it might help people stop smoking too. That's good, right?
I'm not a fan of it, but hey, it's not smoking, and it might help people stop smoking too. That's good, right?

wrong, vape still has nicotine in it but not as much as smokes and pending on the person they will huff on vapor more then they would a cigarette.

Honestly I hate vaping since people can do it anywhere and I get cross very easily if they puff that smoke cloud towards me specially since it gives me a headache.