What do you use to cut your Pizza?

I did have this plastic pizza cutter that did work to a degree, but I went back to a metal pizza cutter.
For frozen pizzas that I cook at home, I just use a large knife. We used to have a pizza cutter but it was useless and awful at cutting properly.
I use a Metal Pizza Cutter. Sometimes I feel it's not enough unless you got the elbow grease for it but that might also mean the crust is too hard or burnt. XP
I also notice that circular Pizza cutters are not very good at cutting Pizza unless I press very hard.
We used to have a pizza cutter but find a metal spatula works better for our homemade pizzas. We tend to pile on the toppings so it's quite thick lol
I often use a metal pizza cutter (Pampered Chef brand to be exact) to slice my pizza, but she hasn't been as efficient at cutting thicker crusts as opposed to thinner ones like she used to but still does the job fairly well.
I often use a metal pizza cutter (Pampered Chef brand to be exact) to slice my pizza, but she hasn't been as efficient at cutting thicker crusts as opposed to thinner ones like she used to but still does the job fairly well.

Never heard of that brand, is it really good?
I have always used my Metal Spatula. It's been very good and cuts my pizza nicely.
I've got one of those metal roller cutters, it does the job alright but i never seem to cut it perfectly.
We used to have a pizza cutter but it broke and I keep forgetting to get a new one. I was at one point using a sharp knife to cut the pizza but I found that it was a pain to do and I always burned my fingers.

As crazy as it sounds, now I tend to use scissors that work well to cut the pizza and it is so much easier as well.