What Games Do You Think Are Money-Grabs?


Well-Known Member
The thread title says it all, what games would you say are pure money-grabs? Say your opinions!
For me... It is hard to say. The only game that comes to my mind is the story mode for Minecraft.
maybe Evolve? a DLC focused game. It's hard not to see it as a cash grab. Before it released, all they talked about was the dlc. And to make matters worse, the game has SO MUCH DLC compounded by the fact that every individual dlc piece for it is fairly expensive. Super cash grab that game is

LEGO Dimensions. Okay developers, the bandwagon is full, go catch another. Like we really need MORE toys to life. Skylanders, Disney, Amiibo, Now Lego. Enough is enough.
I'm actually kind of confused what you're asking in the title. Are you asking what games once you have them, cost the most real-life money? Like buying add-ons and such?

If so, its Heartstone and its not close. Most other games, I don't really like buying extra add-ons, skins, etc. But in hearthstone, its such a struggle getting packs that its so easy to just spend a ton of money on them. For me, I've probably spent close to $150 since downloading the game a year ago. I haven't come close to spending that much money on in-game stuff for anything else I play.
Assassin's Creed series. i quickly lost count of how many games are in that series after the second one.

What makes it especially cash grabish is the length of time it took them to get from part 2 to part 3. It felt like how Street Fighter took like 4 versions of SF2 before we got SF 3
blastguardgear said:
Assassin's Creed series. i quickly lost count of how many games are in that series after the second one.

What makes it especially cash grabish is the length of time it took them to get from part 2 to part 3. It felt like how Street Fighter took like 4 versions of SF2 before we got SF 3
I came here to say this. When you look back you can even see at what point they said "fuck improvements, we'll just change the place and names and then go home with our money".

Hey, Ubisoft! We don't need a new game every year if you're not changing it in the slightest!
The yearly release games without a doubt.