What games look better in motion?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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I hear the phrase a lot, so which games do you think look better when you're playing them compared to as still screenshots?

Personally, I'd say the best example of this ever have to be:

1. Any F-Zero game, especially the Nintendo 64 version.

2. Any Mario vs Donkey Kong game, due to their awful pre rendered graphics:


What do you think?
I think the 1t Mario vs Donkey Knog has some of the best graphics on a gba game.maybe even the best.
I remember looking at some screenshots of Mario Superstar Baseball, which looked pretty awful. Then I played the game and didn't think the graphics were as bad as what they were in the screenshots, which was a bit odd.
A game that looks better when not in motion is a game that just plain sucks. You're basically saying, "Yeah, that game looks great when I don't actually have to play it."

But if you think about, whether or not the game is in motion shouldn't matter. If the graphics are bad, then the moving visuals and gameplay help to distract from them, not remove them.