What happened to GilvaSunner?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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You know, this guy on Youtube?


For months, he was uploading video game music (mostly Nintendo stuff) almost non stop. Heck, before this channel he had a channel named 'Timmy Turner's Dad' which must have had about half a million subscribers and uploaded even more game music.

Then about a year ago... he just vanished. Literally dropped off the face of the planet and stopped doing anything on the internet. No warning, no announcements, no nothing.

So what happened anyway? Some people comment that he's 'busy with something in real life' (or something to that effect), but not doing much for nearly a year seems excessive.

I sometimes worry it's something legal related, though if so, his channel would be gone by now. I guess he could have had some real life health issues or something, but that seems a bit harsh.

But what do you think? Why would such a popular Youtube gaming 'celebrity' just vanish without a trace?
The Yoshi Clan ate him, it's sad, but it is the truth. They ate him and then recorded their own album, which they uploaded to Youtube under the Gilvasunner name. Well, they tried anyway, they were caught by the police and only had time to upload one song, that's why his last video is entirely of Yoshis singing. I'm honestly surprised you haven't heard cheat, the Gilvasunner Memorial Service occurred earlier this year on April 20th. Many other "Youtube gaming celebrities" showed up to pay their respects. Among them includes Pewdiepie, Stephen Colbert and Donkey Kong. You know, having a thread up like this is just downright disrespectful, I suggest you remove it at once.