What has happened this year to you?


- Made some bad choices.
- Lost some trust.
- Gained new friends.
- Lost some shyness.
- Started going more mainstream.
- Began buying brand name clothes.
- Became addicted to music.
- Became more slutty.
- Gor diagnosed with depression.
- Began an onslaught of medication.
- Learned how to recolour using GIMP.
- Started wearing make-up on the weekends.
- Began to hate school.
- Decided to buckle down and get a job.
- Began to resent family.
- Started to deal with issues.
- Felt old.
- Distanced self from parents.
- Went to some concerts.
- Got a facebook, twitter and myspace.
- Started to fear once more.
- Started to sleep once again.
- Lived. Tried. Lied. Died.
let's see....

graduated from high school (Hooray!)
Went to new york
got a job
lost a great grandpa
lost a grandpa
both my bros each had a kid
I furthered made Gamingforce bigger.

not a whole lot but it is something.
  • Got stabbed in the back by friends
  • Got TF2
  • Was diagnosed with Schitzofrenia and Bipolar Disorder
  • a bunch of little things
-Got an allowance for the first time.
-Began to hate most of Mom's side of the family.

And a couple of other little stuff.
-Graduated from College
-Looking for a job
-One of my Turtles died.

-Got a Xbox 360 Arcade for Christmas
-Wrote articles for my blogs and websites
-Upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium
-Learned about affiliate marketing and making money online on spare time.
-Beat a few Video Games.
-Becoming addicted to Fable 2
-Help a few people with their PC problem by posting on forums.
-Volunteered at a computer recycler.
-Went to my cousins wedding.
-Made a few changes to my forums and blogs.
-Learned about CMS like Joomla, Drupal, and Wordpress.

and a few little things.
QUOTE (Black Angel @ January 01, 2010 07:48 pm) Got Engaged.
Started Planning My wedding.
Put Plans on Back Burner
Packed Up
Unpacked Most Things
Allowed My Brother to move in. (he later moved out)
Continued to unpack
Got some things repaired around the house
Started Redecorating.
Got Older.
atleast ya aren't old