What intensity do you choose in Classic Mode?


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Are you a bit of a coward, going for an Intensity of about 1 or 2?

An extremely brave/dedicated player, going all the way for an intensity of level 9?

Or somewhere in the middle?

I'm... moving up towards level 9, but not there yet. About level 5 or 6 at the moment, and needing a bit more courage to take on the higher difficulty levels.
I'm going on 8.0 consistently…I've beaten 9.0 with my main (Yoshi) and I want to be at the point where 9.0 is doable with all the people I use online.  Not quite there yet, but I'm getting there.
I usually set the intensity level to 8 most of the time. Not sure I'm ready to move up to level 9 though.
The highest I've done is 6, but I'm very inconsistent. It depends on my mood and how much time I have.
I'm starting out with every character at 5 which seems fair enough since I keep losing if I bet everything. I have finished Classic Mode with Mega Man on 8.0 on my first runthrough though.?