What is so interesting about the board index?


Full GL Member

You're all just looking at the board index tantalizingly. Just staring for 30 minutes straight then going off. I don't understand why the Board index is so interesting.

I mean, 14 users online and no posts. Why?
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The board index is just that amazing... No, probably either people have multiple tabs open, forget about returning here and you appear like your just sitting at the index or just reloading the page for new topics/posts for a bit of time.
They're probably doing other things, but still have the page open. The glory of tabs.
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To quote something you might have heard before:

"Yes, because my world completely revolves around this site. God forbid I get off of the computer but leave the site open for convenience purposes. And God also forbid I get carried away doing other things on the computer."


That smiley looks so smug.
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The board index is just that amazing... No, probably either people have multiple tabs open, forget about returning here and you appear like your just sitting at the index or just reloading the page for new topics/posts for a bit of time.
Okay, but what if they close the tab, it doesn't say they go offline.

They're probably doing other things, but still have the page open. The glory of tabs.
The glory of logging out...
Because they just sit there then leave.

It lists users that have been online WITHIN the last 30 minutes, NOT users that have been online FOR THE LAST 30 minutes.

Let's say I was at the index at 8:15 pm, and then completely closed Firefox, and maybe even shut my computer down, turned it off, and maybe went shopping for something. It would still say I was "online" until 8:45 pm. Like I said, rather than thinking of it has "These are the people who are online RIGHT NOW", it's actually "These are the people who last visited within the last half an hour, which means they could have been gone for as long as 29 minutes, and 59.99999.... seconds
That is when you have made the most recent action. O_O
Oh wait, I see what you're getting at.

But yes, Nin should change it.
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It lists users that have been online WITHIN the last 30 minutes, NOT users that have been online FOR THE LAST 30 minutes.

Let's say I was at the index at 8:15 pm, and then completely closed Firefox, and maybe even shut my computer down, turned it off, and maybe went shopping for something. It would still say I was "online" until 8:45 pm. Like I said, rather than thinking of it has "These are the people who are online RIGHT NOW", it's actually "These are the people who last visited within the last half an hour, which means they could have been gone for as long as 29 minutes, and 59.99999.... seconds

*ahem* 0.99999999... = 1. How do I know this? Take one third, 0.333333333... in decimal, and times it by 3, 3/3 (a whole), or 0.9999999..., see what the difference is, 0.
Yeah, pretty much the same thing Sir Loinofbeef said. If someone was viewing the board index and logged off, it would display them as viewing board index for 30 minutes. Or, like other people have said, they just leave N3DSC open in a tab and open another tab to do something else, and they will be shown as doing the last thing they were doing for 30 minutes if left unchanged.
WRONG! That is when it is rounded up.

You're wrong..... because, you can type as many 9's as you want. If you typed 0.99999, you are typing it to 5 decimal places, and because the 6th decimal is 5 or above, the the 5th decimal will round up, however, this will add one two the previous numbers, and therefore, the entire number rounds up to 1. No matter how far you go: 0.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 is also 1, if the number in question is equal to literally 3 x [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub] (or 3 x 0.3333333333333333333333333333333...), likewise with [sup]2[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub], while 0.6666 as in [sup]6666[/sup]/[sub]10000[/sub] is just that, when referring to [sup]2[/sup]/[sub]3[/sub], the number after the last 6 is above 5, and therefore, it would not be 0.6666, but round up to 0.6667.

Also, by my original post about 29 minutes and 59.9999999999... seconds, I meant that as in "everything up to 30 minutes, but never quite there --- a bit like the graph of a reciprocal function, i.e. it never reaches the axis, since the higher the x or y value, the smaller the other value, but you can have x = 1 googolplex -- it's extremely high, yet the y value would still not be 0. Sure it'd be an unimaginably small number, but [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]1 googolplex[/sub] is still above 0. Just for your information... this is a googol:
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (it is 1 followed by 100 zeroes)
This in itself is a pretty large number -- there are LESS particles in the entire (known) universe than this.

Now, imagine that if a googol is 1 followed by 100 zeroes, then a googolplex is 1 followed by THAT many zeroes -- i.e. a googol of zeroes. Yeah, imagine 1 followed by not just 100 zeroes, but by 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 zeroes (or if you like, think of it as 1 followed by "1 followed by 100 zeroes" zeroes)
I prefer the 30 minute display. If someone is, like others have said, on other tabs, they may still return, and it's nice to know who is or isn't online (even if they aren't doing anything at the moment). Or what if someone is typing up a long post? A 5 minute limit would make it seem like they left the site when they hadn't.