What is that money associated with our account??


Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
What is that bank? (I think its virtual) I am talking about the gaminglatest bank. ..And how do we spend the money accumulated there.
Do I download games? Is it connected to Steam?
If you ever need help just click on help index on the top, it will lead to a bunch of FAQ posts.

So clicking on the help index, then clicking on B or scrolling down to B to see banking which you click on then you will get this topic:


As for the banking system, it's all forum based meaning it can only be used here on GL. You gain as much points as you can and then you spend it on anything located in the store.
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I think its pretty cool that this forum is rewarding users for their loyalty and activity. Not that it is unheard of but its nice when a site owner shows love to those who contribute to the their movement. It doesn't even seem like the rewards aren't realistic to achieve because believe you me there are some pretty lame offers out there.
I think its pretty cool that this forum is rewarding users for their loyalty and activity. Not that it is unheard of but its nice when a site owner shows love to those who contribute to the their movement. It doesn't even seem like the rewards aren't realistic to achieve because believe you me there are some pretty lame offers out there.

thanks, if I ever get a decent job you can expect the value to go up more.
So you don't plan to run ads on the forums to cover the rewards expenses?
Good point, All website cost money to run that's Server, domain, software and protect from hackers. It all adds up and in the long term it does make you sad. :P