What is your favorite song from a video game?


Well-Known Member
My favorite is 'The Song of Storms' in Legend: of Zelda Ocarina of Time. I also have to mention "Illuminate' by Ab-Soul and Kendrick Lamar from GTA V.... EPIC
It's so hard for me to pick out a single song, I like quite a bit of video game music. My favorite soundtracks however, however, would have to be the Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze soundtrack, the Metal Gear Rising soundtrack and pretty much all of the Ace Attorney games have fantastic soundtracks as well.
Strangely, I've always enjoyed the Earthbound soundtrack for the SNES.
In particular though, I always like the melody of when you gather all the points for the soundstone


I know, it's a bit cheesy, but I think it's also the mental association of completing all the tasks.
"Burn My Dread" from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3. The accent kind of gets in the way, I think, if we're taking it out of game and instead of something purely J-rock and appropriate to the setting, it becomes just something to listen to--the lyrics can be misheard in a funny way--but it's an awesome anti-emo anthem from a game full of lovably emo kids whose animators have a horror of drawing the other eye that's why their hair is so emo. It works.


My previous favorite was "Star of Tears" from Xenogears... not the famous "Small of Two PIeces", that one was trying way too hard and I preferred it as a music box song. I'll link the Japanese version because, even though the English version has a much, much better vocalist (or maybe it's the same vocalist, but she had a cold or a sore throat or something recording the Japanese version and was all warmed up for the English version? I don't know. I think I used to know, but I forgot) I think the English version is really badly translated.

Too many tracks to say, but my favorite games holding great songs are: .hack series, Zelda OoT, Persona series, FF 1-9, Kingdom hearts, The world ends with you, Bravely default, and much more.
Yeah, I know... The question is about Video Games, and not PC games... But honestly, there's no comparing to To The Moon's soundtrack. It's just so emotional, powerful, and amazing. Another soundtrack that is worth mentioning is Bastion's soundtrack, and not to forget the soundtrack of Aquaria!

If I had to pick a single track, I think it would have to be "For River" (Johnny's Version) from To The Moon. Feels like I'm putting Aquaria aside though, Aquaria was a very powerful game aswell, even thoguh it contained quite a lot of "action" and the like, it was a truly powerful story.

As far as actual video games goes... I don't really know. I'll have to say Super Mario 64's soundtrack then, with the track Snow Mountain being the best. That's really just something I picked due to lack of other good tracks, I honestly cannot remember any Video Game sound track that beats Aquaria/To The Moon/Bastion/...
I would have to go with the theme song from Kingdom Hearts, I still listen to a lot, just a great song. The name is Simple and Clean.
I agree with Allan! I love the way Simple and Clean sounds. Now, later on, it's very nostalgic for me. Besides that, I love the way the song goes along with a high round game of zombies that plays when you activate the three meteorites in Kino der Toten (Black Ops 1.) I rarely find anyone else who loves playing that song as much as i do but that song will really get me into the mojo of the game. 
I really like kendricks song as well. I had already heard the song before I had played the game but when I found out that the song would be in the game I was really stoked. I think though if I had to choose soundtracks that I really liked from video games I think that the Assassins Creeds games would win my vote. All of the soundtracks in the Assassins Creed games are epic!
My favorite video game theme song will always be Streets of Rage on Genesis. I think they were very well made and even still hold up until today. I never noticed it that much at the time I was playing it, but now that I've had much more time to compare it to other game songs, I can surely appreciate a lot more how much dedication and talent they put into each one.

A mortal Kombat song for me is the best song by far and always up to hear it. Also, there are a few more game songs which I can't remember at the moment.
I personally have a lot of favorites but if I have to only choose one it would be Mario's Theme Song. I really like it because the beat is just amazing, and it reminds me of mario every time I hear it. :) 
Well, I don't have a favorite song but I have favorite music.
I like the apocalypse music from beat stomper a lot. I know that it's not exactly a video game, but it's just too good. *-*
Its from a PS1 game called 'brave fencer musashi' and it was that dance song... it was towards the end of the game, its that catchy. haha