What is your most played MMO?

Marvel Heroes is my most played MMO. I've played other MMOs before this but none of them really captured my interest that much.
My first MMO was FlyFF. It was actually a pretty terrible game, completely pay to win, and I sunk probably a good $4000 into it over the 6 years I played it. In fact, I have no idea why I played it or what I find so addicting about it, it's just one of those games. Lately I've been playing a bit of TerA, it's a much cheaper game (if you're paying). It's more pay for comfort than pay to win, but publishers gotta make money somehow.

I know F2P MMO's generally tend to be more expensive than Pay to Play subscription MMO's, at least if you want to get anywhere. But I refuse to pay subscriptions on MMO's, it's something that I just don't like the idea of. Being forced to buy the game, then pay monthly fee's on top of that just rubs me the wrong way. I'm getting off topic....
Actually, Guild Wars 2 for me- I have been playing it for about 2 years. I've enjoyed its updates and "living world" content.
Probably Runescape, it was either that or Everquest. Runescape I could spend hours playing though and I played it more back to back days. 
I'm think it was either Maple Story or Cartoon Network's Fusion Fall. Maple Story was the first I played with a group. My friend introduced it to me. It's pretty cool, and didn't require you to buy a bunch of stuff in order to advance. Fusion Fall was fun up until the point you had to pay to continue to go on with the story line. I was very bitter about that since I had did so much to get there.  
I'm surprised World of Warcraft didn't show up more in this thread. I spent way too many late nights and early mornings playing that game. The early days of Wrath of the Lich King were my absolute favorite. I think that's when WoW reached it's peak with social interaction and raiding. I have friends to this day that I still talk to because we were in the same guild and raided Naxxaramas together. However, this doesn't mean I didn't spend my fair share of time playing games others mentioned, like Runescape or even Maple Story :p
I dabbled in a few other MMO's but the one I played most (and still play) is World of Warcraft.  Even though the game is not as good as it used to be, I can still find things to keep me occupied until raid time. 

I have a 60 Warrior, 58 Reaper and 14 Gunner.

I opened over 400 boxes for the summer event and no permanent swimsuits. Lot of other perms tho.
My most played MMO would have to be League of Angels.  I think the only reason that is is because of the friends I made in the game and how often they have events going on to encourage people to play.  I used to play a couple others, but I kind of dropped them because of lack of interest.  I remember trying to try Runescape and MapleStory, but I just couldn't get into them.  MMO games also tend to take a lot of time so it's hard to play multiple ones at the same time.
NinjaTael said:
I'm surprised World of Warcraft didn't show up more in this thread. I spent way too many late nights and early mornings playing that game. The early days of Wrath of the Lich King were my absolute favorite. I think that's when WoW reached it's peak with social interaction and raiding. I have friends to this day that I still talk to because we were in the same guild and raided Naxxaramas together. However, this doesn't mean I didn't spend my fair share of time playing games others mentioned, like Runescape or even Maple Story :p
I'm with you. I thought World of Warcraft would be the overwhelming favorite, but it seems like many here have a diverse taste in MMO's. I actually haven't heard of a lot of the MMO's that people have listed. 

For me it's WoW with Runescape in a distant second. I've played on and off since the release and will likely getting back into again with the 6.2 release. The only other MMO I've tried besides those two is SWOTR and I only played for a month or so.