What Kind Of Chocolate Do You Like?

I like regular chocolate and dark chocolate. In some cases I also like white chocolate, but not as much.
Milk chocolate is my friend and mentor.
Chocolate kind.
Milk chocolate is my friend and mentor.

I thought I was your friend and mentor Link 70222. :o

Anyways, I like chocolate and white chocolate.
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Well I can't really say I "like" it, but I would eat it if it were the only kind I had.
Regular Chocolate and white chocolate. Dark chocolate is fine but it's just too much for me.
I like dark chocolate, but more than a little bit makes me feel sickly... White chocolate's easily my favourite, with chocolate + mint coming in at a close second (that counts ;)). I like all chocolate, really.
Milk Chocolate is always good. Though I do like Dark Chocolate too...Meh, I'm not picky with food.
White chocolate! Ive heard dark chocolate is actually pretty healthy but to me it tastes like mud..
The best chocolate in the universe is milk chocolate. Dark chocolate is gross and white chocolate is okay.
Milk chocolate and white chocolate, im not a fan of dark chocolate though, it tastes like crap.
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