What makes a game worthwhile?

Dan The Man

Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
So I know we all have different sort of things we enjoy about varying games but I think this is a simple enough question to answer.

What sort of things about a game make it enjoyable/memorable/re-playable? Is it the story, graphics, or perhaps even simply the characters?
Characters and story are the no. 1 factors for me. I can tolerate bad gameplays, graphics, as long as the story and characters are good or interesting enough to me.
Characters and story are the no. 1 factors for me. I can tolerate bad gameplays, graphics, as long as the story and characters are good or interesting enough to me.

That used to be me, and would depend on the game really. If there is a super heavy focus on the story, they I really wont care much about the gameplay and graphics either. Infinite Space is the first thing that would come to mind for me. The gameplay and graphics were really not engaging, but the story is what made me play to the end.

Lately though, I don't really care much about any of that. I mostly play MMOs, so I don't really bother with the story or characters.

I'm more about the community aspect and working towards a goal as a group. I even have a hard time playing AAA singleplayer games if I don't have a friend playing it at the same time so we can discuss our progress, etc.
Depends on the type of game.
In music game and racing game, story is optional.
So in music game I focus on available music and controls.
In racing game I focus on level design.

Platform game and fighting game is most important that controls are good working.
And RPG is obviously story line.
For me, in order to stay engaged in the game, it has to have some kind of story line that I have to play through. Occasionally, I can go off and play something like Mario Kart but games like that are generally more fun if you play them with other people.
Well, probably the play and the plot.
Sometimes the difficulty level too, I suppose. I do play games which can keep me on edge for hours :grin:
Also, a game really isn't worth while to me if I can beat it too quickly. I like a game that I can spend quite a bit of time on, in order to make if feel like I got my money's worth.