What makes you really mad these days?


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So what makes you really mad these days?
As for me, that would be pretty much nothing. I don't get angry all that much and I have been trying to control my emotions a lot. What about you guys?
I get angry when I see or hear about criminals breaking more serious law like a robber who steals other people's possessions or hurt people with a weapon.
I get angry when I see or hear about criminals breaking more serious law like a robber who steals other people's possessions or hurt people with a weapon.
To be honest, they need to stick with money.
Money can be earned after some time but not life. That's the hard truth
What makes me angry is when someone is rude for no reason. My parents never stood for that from me when I was a kid.
That's true.
Still if people are from a different region, then stuff might lead to misunderstandings and sometimes people don't even realize that some stuff can be taken as rude gestures to begin with...
Still having to wear a mask.
Well, there are a couple of people that I know do that. They are rude and don't realize that they are behaving that way. Normally I don't pay any attention to those people, I'll just let it go in one ear and out the other.
Figure this may be a nice thread to bump after a year especially with so many things that are going wrong in this world. A way to get out our ranting & raving.
I'm usually easy-going but I am disappointed in all the BigWigs out there who are making life harder for us.
People not driving properly. I know we all make mistakes but little things like not using a turn signal at a roundabout just delays everyone and is extremely annoying
People not driving properly. I know we all make mistakes but little things like not using a turn signal at a roundabout just delays everyone and is extremely annoying
People not using turn signals bug me to no end. I recently moved to a new city/state, and people LOVE to not use them here.
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