What Roles Should Parents Play In Monitoring Their Children's Gaming Habits?


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Parents must play a very important role in monitoring their children's gaming habits. They can achieve this by setting a clear rules and guidelines for gaming and by monitoring the screen time as this will help to ensure balance with other activities.
It's very important for the parents to know the kind of games their children plays. Parents should also use the parental controls and limits on the devices too. This works pretty well.
Setting good example with their own screen time is essential. The children look up to their parents and they should lead by example.
They should watch what their kids play, it's more dangerous these days with online gameplay and everyone talking like a sailor.
I think it is important to monitor what game titles which a Kid play to see if the game is suitable for their age, and maturity level. It is also important to see who they are talking to in online games, so they are less likely to meet criminals.

It is also important to set time limits on playing games, so they also spend time on their homework, and house work instead of playing games for too long, and ignoring their school and work responsibilities to play games.
I was allowed to play video games as a kid, however, I wasn't allowed to just play for hours on end. I remember doing other things as a kid, like going outside to play.

Also, we had to make sure our homework was finished when we came home from school (and we weren't allowed to do anything else until our homework was done). This was a rule so that we weren't up late trying to complete homework before the next day.