I'm thinking to incroprate TCG elements with RPG elements. What else would you like to see in Milkacrea? An online text-based RPG game. Currently, the players is limited to only trade DNAs. I would like to enable users to trade 'cards' too. How should the card system work? Anyway typical answer or crazy answer is welcome. I would like to see some crazy suggestion..
I use an older but really functional game engine. It could provide usefull. Just strip out the elements that are there and impliment your own. It is a very basic engine. If you want to see the game I am working on with it. Just give me a shout.
I took the Solo Q from League of Legends and turned it into a text based RPG.
I'm speaking completely for myself here, but I think the power of player-choice is invaluable. If I play a game, I am always pleasantly surprised when I'm offered a choice. Whether this choice is dynamic or static doesn't really matter to me, I think I just enjoy the extra freedom granted from a game. I do realize that making a choice system that dynamically affects the game is hard for story writing and can sometimes turn out sloppy. A rule I like to follow when making games, which may sound selfish, but what would I like to play? In the end, I think that's all that really matters. So to end with cliché, follow your heart.