What should a text based RPG have? Need suggestions for game.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking to incroprate TCG elements with RPG elements. What else would you like to see in Milkacrea? An online text-based RPG game. Currently, the players is limited to only trade DNAs. I would like to enable users to trade 'cards' too. How should the card system work? Anyway typical answer or crazy answer is welcome. I would like to see some crazy suggestion..
Maybe do a card type battle like in Final fantasy 8 and 9?
alakazam said:
Are you working on this game all by yourself?
Yes, all by myself. Started in June and rebuild in October. Planning to recode from scratch again. Need some idea to improve the gameplay.

Demon_Skeith said:
Maybe do a card type battle like in Final fantasy 8 and 9?
How do they work? I dont play Final fantasy 8 or 9.
I use an older but really functional game engine. It could provide usefull. Just strip out the elements that are there and impliment your own. It is a very basic engine. If you want to see the game I am working on with it. Just give me a shout.

I took the Solo Q from League of Legends and turned it into a text based RPG.
I'm speaking completely for myself here, but I think the power of player-choice is invaluable. If I play a game, I am always pleasantly surprised when I'm offered a choice. Whether this choice is dynamic or static doesn't really matter to me, I think I just enjoy the extra freedom granted from a game. I do realize that making a choice system that dynamically affects the game is hard for story writing and can sometimes turn out sloppy. A rule I like to follow when making games, which may sound selfish, but what would I like to play? In the end, I think that's all that really matters. So to end with cliché, follow your heart.