What sound recording software you use?


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I use the Sound Recorder software that came with Windows. I need to find something better since the features on the Sound Recorder software that came with Windows is very limited.
I go ghetto. My friend and I were doing a podcast for my site over the phone. My phone has a feature to record conversations, so we decided to go that route. All i do is transfer the recording files from the phone to my computer and I'm done.
Is this a cell phone or a regular telephone since I never really saw a regular phone be able to transfer files or record conversations unless you use an answering machine?

Sounds like a cool phone.
The software on my mac. It makes me voice sound totally different... I mean it makes my voice sound way to high and gives me like this odd accenty thing...
I used Adobe Audition when I was in college to record and edit promos and presentations. The laptop I'm using has Sound Recorder for Windows, and tested it for the first time.