What studios do you trust to produce a good game?


GamingLatest Slave
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What studios don't need to prove themselves to you anymore? What studios will you purchase games off just from an announcement trailer?

For me:
Blind faith: Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch
Benefit of doubt: Capcom, Ubisoft, EA, Bethesda
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I'll trust anything at a 1st party level and anything of doubt at a 3rd party level.
None. Every company can make a bad game, regardless of their pedigree. Nintendo made lots of good games, along with Amiibo Festival. Next Level Games made Luigi's Mansion 2 and some great Mario spinoffs, but are currently making Federation Force. Rare made tons of classics... as well as terrible licensed games in the NES era and mediocre Xbox ones. Sega... oh forget it. Them and Capcom went from great to terrible very quickly.