What to do with new console?


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What is the first thing you do when you've bought/received a brand new console?

Do you hook it up immediately and start playing? Do you wait a bit before hooking it up? Why?
I plug it in and play it. There's no use waiting when you've waited long enough for it to come out.
I plug it in right away (I did spend a lot of money), but right now I am breaking that rule with my Switch. Since I don't have any games and I hope to move soon so it be a pain to set it up, take it down and then setup again.
D_S, I hope your move goes smoothly. When I got my Switch, it came with Super Mario Odyssey so I had to have my Switch hooked up immediately because I was anxious to play.
D_S, I hope your move goes smoothly. When I got my Switch, it came with Super Mario Odyssey so I had to have my Switch hooked up immediately because I was anxious to play.

Thanks, but we've been ready to move over a year now. Unlike the last one we don't have much to do but get someone to lug all the heavy crap.

I also own Odyssey right now, its killing me to not break it open right now.
from standing in line to buy the console? :p

I don't buy console on the first day. There are some day the game store is filled with different people and kids. Also sometimes I am unaware about the releases so there are time that when I am just going to buy a $20 there is a hell long line of people for pre orders.
What is the first thing you do when you've bought/received a brand new console?

Do you hook it up immediately and start playing? Do you wait a bit before hooking it up? Why?
Hook up and play. :grin: