What was the Coolest freebie you got this year ?


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I got a free computer package for volunteering at Freegeek Vancouver for 24 hours by helping test, take apart, and fix computers.

The computer is a
Pentium 4 1.6 GHZ CPU
512MB of DDR RAM
Intel motherboard
nVidia Quadro FX 500/600 AGP video card
40 GB Hard Drive
CD-RW drive
DVD-ROM drive
1.44MB Floppy
It also came preinstalled with Ubantu 8.04 LTS

I also got a Microsoft Multimedia keyboard , generic optical mouse, 17 inch LG Flatron ez T710BH CRT Monitor, generic PC speakers for free.

I also got a free education in learning how to take apart and fix computers which also came in handy when I added my 200GB drive from a broken external Hard drive enclosure to the computer they gave me.

I also will be getting my sisters old HP Viista laptop when she comes home.

I notice most of my tech I get for free. Awesome
Gold and diamond necklace from my cleaner
A real picture of An Cafe
Lots of eyeliner and black nail polish (what every happy teen needs!)
6 months of WoW
A shirt that says "Someone needs a hug"

The gold and diamond necklace is special since it's my first diamond necklace. And my cleaner is a very nice person to me and my family so I felt special getting it from her. My mom though was jealous since she wanted to give me my first diamond XD I haven't worn it yet but it fits very nicely and though it's not the most expensive looking thing I really like it. Mostly 'cause my cleaner grew up poor and still is poor for her to give that to me instead of her kids made me feel... I dunno, special.

My friend Jessy is awesome at an anime convention she not only once got me a pic of the gazettE cosplayers but she got me an ACTUAL photo of An Cafe. A real photograph, it's totally awesome! (Today I got her a pin that says I'm Big In Japan, it's yellow so she got a kick out of that when I figured that out on AIM)

Meh black ftw. That's all I have to say.

My friend forced me to play and I didn't have to pay 81 bucks woo!

Mom got that for me. I only like hugs from family members and I give a lot out to them XD (I can't stand being touched by my friends or strangers I start hyperventalting and sometimes scream x_x. In the car my mom's like "What are you going to do when you have a boyfriend?" and I'm like, "Just be glad that I haven't had to find out")