What was the first anime you've ever watched?


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For me it was Dragon Ball Z (does that count as anime?) I remember as a kid my friends and I would be playing outside and once 7 o'clock hit we would all run home to catch the latest episode.
I remember DBZ coming on right after school at like 3 or 4 CST on Toonami.

I cheated by living in Japan when I was younger, so it honestly could be anything at the time. Probably some kiddie stuff that nobody in America knows/cares about.
I remember DBZ coming on right after school at like 3 or 4 CST on Toonami.

I cheated by living in Japan when I was younger, so it honestly could be anything at the time. Probably some kiddie stuff that nobody in America knows/cares about.

So Hamtaro? lol.

first anime I saw was most likely Sailor Moon.
I remember Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon being on at the same time but I was more into DBZ myself. Probably because my older brothers were too!
I've seen some of Pokemon and Dragon Ball, and Yu-Gi-Oh! but the first one that I've seen legitimately the entire way through is Death Note.