What was your favorite thing shown at this year's E3


Game Master
Even though many people cried foul about this years expo, I think a lot of good things were shown this year. But out of all the things shown this year, my favorite probably wouldn't be what most would pick. It's cool that the PS Vita and Wii U were shown off. But for me personally, the best thing shown was Dust 514. Sure at first glance, you may feel it's just another FPS. But with the connectivity to EVE Online, that to me is a major feet. To have a well establish MMO link up to a console FPS is something that really strikes a note with me. What was your favorite of E3?
Tomb Raider is the best game announcement for this year with its mind blowing graphics and attractive game play !
Watch the official trailer here :
and game play trailer:
Enjoy !
I guess all the 3DS games, the only thing that got me really excited.