What Was Your First Big PC Game?


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What was the first game on PC that you put a lot of time into? It can be an online game or offline game. It can also be as old as you want it to be. I think the first game I really put a lot of time into was sort of this counter-strike ripoff called "CrossFire". Back then I had a pretty poor PC which couldn't run a lot of things. It was a fun game for what it was, and I put hundreds hours of money and time into it. It's sad that it didn't really go anywhere, but it helps me out in other FPS games I play on the PC now, having some experience.
OK .. this is going to show my relative age .. but the first PC-game that I put a lot of time into was the Zork series which was a PC, text-only game that was popular in the mid-80s. It was a significant challenge and forced you to map the world in some detail in order to be able to know which and where the items were and to figure out how and in what combination these items should be used. Of course, the troll at the bottom of the stairs and the thief, who popped up from time to time to take one of your precious items, added a little bit of needed combat to the game. Of course, you always needed a light source to fend off the fearsome Grue.
I might want to say Warcraft 3, as while I did play some C&C before that, WC3 was the first game that I actually completed the whole campaign in, and spent hours playing online. I was mostly playing TD type of games and never got into DOTA despite trying it out many times.
Age of Empires - first game that looked super complex to me as a kid. It still looks sharp even though it is so old! I had to play it on my dad's work PC after my dad had finished his work. So I could only play it in the evenings, stayed up late sometimes and couldn't wake up for school. lol Good times.
In elementary school a friend introduced me to Runescape, and that was the first game I spent a lot of time on. I was really bad at the game with really inefficient XP rates just because I was young and stupid, but we both played that game for years. We've moved on now, but I came back to the game a couple of months ago and got 95 cooking just to say I did. I also went from a 10m bank to ~60m in a week when I joined again. It made me realize how bad I was at the game the first time I played. I considered playing again, but it wasn't really fun without friends.
When I was about 10-11 years old, my dad bought us the first version of The Sims, and that was the first video game that I couldn't stop playing, it was so much fun! I used to make my Sims rich and then I will spend all my money buying things that I don't need... lol. I have a lot of good memories about that one.
Team Fortress 2 was my first not in-browser game that I played, besides Space Pinball that came with Windows XP. I actually initially got Steam so I would be able to play CS: Source but my friends were more into TF2 at the time, so that's what I ended up buying. I've played TF2 for years, and only recently have I started to stray away from it, but it will always have a pretty special place in my memories. I remember sometime in eighth grade staying home sick with strep throat, having a ton of throat despite how badly it hurt to swallow. Sort of makes me want to play it right now.
Do Emulators count as PC games? :p If so, Earthworm Jim is one of the very first games that I discovered as a kid. I was using a SEGA emulator and this game was taking all my time because it was so much fun. If that doesn't count then the very first 'official' PC game that I played would be Deus Ex. I bought the game on a whim because it was 2 games for about $3 and I saw guns on the cover and said, hey shooting people in 3D can be fun. The game that came bundled with it was Thief 2 but it was very hard for me to get into that kind of game at that age so I stored it away and still have it actually, working. I had dial-up at the time so downloading big games was out of the question. I bought more $1 CDs from a classmate (he was like a videogames dealer at school lol) that included a pirated GTA San Andreas and a pirated CS 1.6. My PC was a Pentium 4 with 128MB of video memory so I had no way of playing anything bigger than that until much later.
I want to say it was Myst. I was only about 6, and obviously never was able to beat it until later, but I had fun walking around in the game and just exploring the environment. Now there's a remastered version, which I haven't played, but it looks cool. Not sure how it is.
Warcraft II - however, I finished the campaigns in the expansion (Beyond the Dark Portal) only, I grew bored with ones in 'vanilla' (Beyond the Dark Portal) as the missions were too long and repetitive. I then tried my hand in online game, but I was below average, and besides, I couldn't play that much since we still had a modem internet connection :) I've got Starcraft as soon as it was out, and liked it, but being a kid still, I struggled with the campaigns. I then switched from Blizzard to Age of Empires II as my favorite RTS (the type of games I played the most then), although at first I couldn't afford buying, so I've kept playing the demo version foor over a year haha.
I was never really big on too many PC games. I think I was just too used to the way that game console controllers looked. I liked the Mugen and early DBZ fighting games but that was about it.
The first PC game I ever played was The Sims. I used to stay the night at my cousin's just because she had it and she always got all of the extensions for it. I thought it was the best thing ever. I'm a huge Sims fan to this day and I've played all of the games that have been released. It's one of my guilty pleasures.
Not completely sure anymore, but it was either Age of Empires II (which I still think is a great game today) or Metin 2.
I played a good bit of Age of Empires II "back in the day", but I wouldn't consider it my first "big" PC game. I'd say my first was Runescape in early 2006 or so. Considering the fact it was basically the only game my computer could play well and that I could sneak onto it from school computers meant I played it allllllllllllll the time, haha. I'll always have a special place in my heart for my first "big" PC game, my first MMORPG, and my first experience in serious online gaming. Good times. ^^
Maplestory for me. I didn't really get computer access until around 2006 or so, when Maplestory was at the height of it's popularity. I hate to say it, but I was shamefully addicted. I'm glad I managed to quit, but I did also make a ton of great friends through the game, and I likely wouldn't be the person I am today without them. After I moved on from Maplestory, I just played mostly single-player games, like the elder scrolls series. I must have sunk several hundred hours in just Morrowind alone.
WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne. Got me into RTS and lots of other genres of custom games like DotA Allstars and Element TD.
The first game I really got into was actually Tanki Online. Back then, it was a obscure Russian made game. Nowadays, it seems to be quite popular. I played it for about a year, which is a pretty long time for a free to play game. Right now, I'm into League of Legends, although I feel like I'm nearing the end of my "career". I have been playing for two years now.
When I was about 10-11 years old, my dad bought us the first version of The Sims, and that was the first video game that I couldn't stop playing, it was so much fun! I used to make my Sims rich and then I will spend all my money buying things that I don't need... lol. I have a lot of good memories about that one.
Me too! My most memorable experience there was when I made a new sim and her house, lots and lots of people came to visit me! I remember that when a sim has newly moved to a house, some npc sims (or sometimes, your other sims) would come to visit, but not as many as those that visited me that time. I have totally no idea how I made that happen, lol.

It was a pretty good experience especially since I made that sim just to make a new house XD I used a cheat then -rosebud, I think? But usually I make my sim "raw" (lol, I can't think of the correct term atm), and make her rich :)
But other than sims, my first game was Legend of Kyrandia (I don't remember which I played first -Sims or LoK...) And I'm currently playing it too using a DosBox emulator :):):) I'm getting pretty nostalgic playing it again :') (I want to post a screencap but it's on my other laptop -_-)

Anyone here knows that game? :D