What was your first gaming console?


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While I can predict what the number one reply will be, here goes nothing!

Mine was NES back in the days, and while I had no idea what to do in most of the games, the original Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt with Zapper were the thing! Always rushing back home from school to play with my friends. Ah, good times!
Mine was an NES. I got it for my first Christmas along with Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt. I was only 5 or 6 months old so I wasn't very good. xD I still have it and I play it sometimes. It's not hooked up right now though.
Mine was the Xbox (not the Xbox 360), I started playing it when I was 5 years old back in 2003. I remember playing a game called Sonic Heroes and Pac-Man World 2, along with some others that I can't quite remember.
NES/Atari 2600. We also had Colecovison that would play Atari games but I didn't like playing on it much because the controller was awful.
TurboGrafx-16 (PC Engine) was the first console I played on. Followed by the original SEGA Genesis (Mega Drive) given to me as a birthday gift.
Nintendo GameCube! Started out with games like Super Mario Sunshine, the Wind Waker, and Luigi's Mansion among others. It was a great time for Nintendo. Well, for me anyway. XP
The Nintentdo Gamecube was mine, although I didn't play much. I started playing a lot of games on the Playstation 1.