What was your first team of Pokemon?


Pokedex Completed
And by extension, the first game you played in the series?

For me, my first game (ever) was sapphire. My team was:

Mudkip (Nicknamed ASH, i had watched the anime)

Heracross (called Crosser)


Dodrio (called the wind)

The makuhita you get from a trade in rustburo city


I beat the league over a hundred times in that game, caught rayquaza in 2 turns, got to be 5 pokemon away from completing the pokedex.

Then someone stole my game and took all my best pokemon (as i found out when i got the game back. i was furious.)

So, what about you guys?
Pokemon Blue Version:

(Endgame team, I changed it up quite a bit but these are the ones I remember)

Venusaur (Starter)

Marowak (my favorite Pokemon)

Golduck (Caught on Cinnabar island via Missingno glitch)

Mewtwo (because I was a noob)

????? (unsure)

????? (unsure)

Not sure who the last two pokemon were since I changed my team a lot. The first 4 I really remember using a lot.
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First Gen. Pokemon Red!

I changed my team often, but my main party was

Apparently, mine was Swampert, Swello, Kyogre, and Egg & Chinchou on Sapphire...And Swampert is the only one past lvl 50., which probably explains why I could never beat the Elite Four....

Edit-And the Swampert is from a different file. Then what did I start with...?
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Apparently, mine was Swampert, Swello, Kyogre, and Egg & Chinchou on Sapphire...And Swampert is the only one past lvl 50., which probably explains why I could never beat the Elite Four....

Edit-And the Swampert is from a different file. Then what did I start with...?

Check the pokedex. if you only have 2 starters caught, the one that is not mudkip is what you chose.

If you have all 3 caught then i don't know how you can check. You can't rematch your rival past the elite 4, you can't check Birch's desk for the pokeballs :/
First team in Pokemon Red/Blue:

Not quite sure. I know one team had Electabuzz and one team had Aerodactyl, but I don't know if they were ever part of the same team. Mewtwo was always involved though, and unlike some, I'd never not use Uber tier Pokemon. Charizard was always there too, somehow.

Pokemon Gold and Silver team:







Yeah... I should have so realised that the starter Pokemon were a bit rubbish in the greater scheme of things and swapped them out for better Pokemon. Indeed, if I had have done that in Gold and Silver (maybe with Snorlax or Machamp instead), I would have likely ended up with a fairly well balanced team.

Well, that and I didn't know much about strategy, EVs, IVs or anything else. If I'd learn that too it would have helped significantly back then.
That's going back more than 15 years. I'll try.

Charizard at level 50 something.

Butterfree at level 20 something.

Pidgeotto level ?? don't remember.

Lapras level [what-ever-you-get-it-at]



The rest is a blur. I don't have my original file sadly. However let's just say when I was a kid I never beat the Pokemon league. The rest of my Pokemon were level 25 or lower. I never trained anything besides Charizard.
Apparently, mine was Swampert, Swello, Kyogre, and Egg & Chinchou on Sapphire...And Swampert is the only one past lvl 50., which probably explains why I could never beat the Elite Four....

Edit-And the Swampert is from a different file. Then what did I start with...?

Check the pokedex. if you only have 2 starters caught, the one that is not mudkip is what you chose.

If you have all 3 caught then i don't know how you can check. You can't rematch your rival past the elite 4, you can't check Birch's desk for the pokeballs :/

I checked their ID's, and apparently I started with Sceptile. :| Treeko would DEFINITELY not be my first choice. I also had a Blaziken, all starters under "ASH", which I used for my name. Must have reset each and gave them to my bro to breed, while I get the original ones.

Oh, and the Kyogre isn't mine either, it's my bros as well-waitagoddamnedminute.
It's been so long. I have NO idea.
My first game was Pokémon White. This was my team (well part of it at least) during the after game.


-Kyurem (yep, I was a noob)

-Metagross? (I'm not sure, I don't remember if I had it in my first or second playthrough)

-Volcarona? (same thing as Metagross)

-Sigilyph? (not sure)


In the main, game I think I only used Emboar and random under-leveled Pokémon I caught in the wild. I was such a noob... :p
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I started with Platinum back in 2009. (I was late to the party okay)

Pretty much just Empoleon (Lvl 100 now). I found it easier just to use one uber tough pokemon then a balanced team.
Pokemon Yellow


- Thunderwave

- Thundershock

- Thunderbolt

- Thunder


- Ember

- Flamethrower

- Fire Spin

- Fire Blast

-Hydro Pump

-Vine Whip
-Razor Leaf
-Solar Beam
-Leech Seed
Oh man I found Pokemon Red. Now I can give details. :grin:

Ok so I got a...

Charizard named flare at level 62


-Fire Spin

-Fire Blast


Omanyte at level 38

-Water Gun



-Horn Attack

Raichu? When I did I evolve Pikachu? I don't ever remember evolving Pikachu. wt actual f? Anyway, it's name is Electy. and it's level 35.



-Pay Day


Hitmonlee named Lee at level 32

-Double Kick


-Metronome (o_O?)

-Mega Kick

Lapras at level 23

-Water Gun




Farfetch'd at level 22



-Fury Attack


Wow I wasn't even close to my original thought, but 15 years is a long time. Plus I was 5. This team isn't that bad for a 5 year old. Though this is why I never beat the E4... My game just corupted as I typed this... I was going to check my boxes.

Yeah I never owned a Butterfree... or a Pidgeotto... So whatever.
Let's see, here's what I remember.

Venasaur or Blastoise, I'm not sure which

Nidoking, I remember using earthquake on Agatha's Gengar

I'm not sure because I started my game over a few times and my brother took over my save file to beat Stadium.

Actually, I'm pretty sure I had squirtle, caterpie, rattata, nidoran, and pidgey my first time I played because I forgot to save.

(P.S. how do you get the forum to say new on the side? P.M. me the answer)
God I'll never forget them.It was:


Shiny Riolu-->Lucario (I imported it into Black 2 and still use it)




Starly-->Staravia-->Staraptor-->Later replaced by Dialga