What will be the 3DS killer app?


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Sure, the launch has generated a lot of hype and tons of people buying the console, but I wouldn't say any one particular game is currently driving a mass market adoption of the device like Wii Sports did for the Wii, or New Super Mario Bros/Brain Training/Nintendogs/etc did for the DS or so on. So considering the big 3DS title that gets everyone buying seems to be still to come, what do you think it will be?

Perhaps Ocarina of Time 3D will have a similar impact to it's Nintendo 64 version and sell the console for months on end?

Or maybe Mario with triumph again with Super Mario 3DS.

How about Mario Kart? That sold fantastically on the 3DS and Wii.

Maybe a game we don't know of? Like a new Kirby game, or a new, unique Zelda game, or a 3DS Pokemon title (perhaps the third in generation V?)

On that note, what about Star Fox 64 3D, or Kid Icarus Uprising, or Paper Mario, or Animal Crossing? Will they be the future system sellers?

What will be the game that gets absolutely everyone to buy the 3DS as soon as it (the game) comes out?
Super Mario 3DS is my prediction. *Puts in bet*
I'm gonna say OoT3D is the killer ap. Just about any gamer that gets a 3DS is more than likely going to be interested in getting OoT3D. I'm waiting for OoT3D before I get a 3DS.
If they come up with a way to turn 2D games and movies into 3D on the 3DS
They are doing that for gameboy games and Netflix will do that for movies.
But thats just them converting it for us, it isn't like a sony Tvs possibility to take 2D images like you get on cable and convert them to 3D in real time. Quality isnt as good as a movie shot in 3D, but its still a good feature to have
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Probably going to be the OoT remake, if they do it well. Then it also could be a brand-new Mario theme game, maybe something with the popularity of a game like SM64DS.
But thats just them converting it for us, it isn't like a sony Tvs possibility to take 2D images like you get on cable and convert them to 3D in real time. Quality isnt as good as a movie shot in 3D, but its still a good feature to have
No, I mean they are literally remade in 3D. Remastered.
No, I mean they are literally remade in 3D. Remastered.

oh, didn know they are remastering them, thought just a little of 3ds effect is gonna be added. Nice! Still turning DS games you own or take Youtube videos n being to play them in 3D would be awesome
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The 3D effect itself is surely one of the biggest draws. I like the built in software too, means there's something to play with if you don't want to play a proper game.

A killer title though... Metal Gear 3 should showcase a lot of the cool touches the 3DS has. Hideo really likes to push concepts and technologies to their limits, think of the things he could do with half of the built in sensors.
The Wii never got a nice Metal Gear Solid game
oh, didn know they are remastering them, thought just a little of 3ds effect is gonna be added. Nice! Still turning DS games you own or take Youtube videos n being to play them in 3D would be awesome

That wouldn't work well. 3D requires two angles for your eyes to merge into one.