What would be your dream job?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
Full GL Member
If you can do anything you wanted as your main career?

Personally, my ideal role would either be as a writer, or the owner of a successful startup company. Or in other words, what I'm doing right now, except with a bigger audience and a lot of more money coming from it.

But what would your dream job be, and why?
No job is my dream job. I'm retired. :) I worked for quite awhile in dead end jobs tho so this is a welcome change! :)
If I wasn't on disability I suppose I'd love to work with computers. I actually was a PC tech briefly in 2007. It was pretty cool.
Honestly mine is pretty lazy just sitting around watch Netflix and get paid for reviewing the movies or TV shows LOL
haha Right on. :)
Well, I kind of work with PC's right now. It is my passion but gaming is something I would love to do, as a profession I would love to be a games designer because I love working with art, web design and photoshop.
I am an Industrial engineer but I wanted to be a pilot. It just happened that I am the oldest and my parents can't afford it. Don't get me wrong, I am happy that I am an engineer now. But for my dream job, I want to be a pilot.
My dream is to have no job and have my own business. So you are your own boss. No one tells you what to do. ;)
What would you do as your own business?
At first I really wanted to be a game creator/ developer/ designer. But I think that it will diminish my time on playing games, so I decided I want to a business man.
My dream job would be a full-time Twitch live streamer.

What is better than playing video games and getting paid for it?
I would really like to come up with my own business, both online and the brick and mortar type. It's been a while since I handled some enterprise of my own, running practically everything and I miss those days. I'm a teacher right now and I really want to retire given the chance. I want to enjoy the world, travel to places, eat at different sites, enjoy breathtaking sceneries, and the like. I've come to the point that I have nothing more to prove and I just want out. Yeah, retiring is probably my dream job.
My first love was painting and it's still my dream job. Though I haven't tried painting again for a long time now, I still dream of entering a painting school and be a professional painter someday.
Want to be in business for myself, ideally in property investment. I have worked hard to get towards it so hopefully in 10 years or so I will be able to achieve my goals.