What would be your prime ideal spot for gaming?


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For me, I suppose it would be in a house up in the mountains, with the windows open and that cool air coming in as you're bashing opponents on Madden.....or for some reason, in a condo/hotel or what have you overlooking the ocean on the nights you aren't on the beach. Imagine playing a game like Forza or Halo with the smell of the ocean coming in through your room.
Penthouse overlooking a city at night. Just playing games on a giant TV with a view of the city in the background would be amazing
Somewhere quiet. Maybe a small town by the ocean like Thor's place in Endgame.
I feel playing video games in an empty dimly lit movie theater while sitting on a Gaming Chair would be my ideal gaming location.
The comfort of my home is the best spot for me to play video games. If you set up your gaming gigs the way you wish, it will give you utmost satisfaction.