I don't know if another person find themselves being too addicted to using stickers to chat especially on either WhatsApp or Telegram but mostly on WhatsApp. I can't send two messages without sending stickers along. Some people find it very annoying but I really love using stickers to express myself.
I always expect another word to follow suit. Why should I be in a situation where I will have to make interpretations about a sticker? I have no such time.
I always expect another word to follow suit. Why should I be in a situation where I will have to make interpretations about a sticker? I have no such time.
I like using GIFs for image references on Twitter. Mostly meme-y ones. But on Discord maybe I react to things with channel specific emotes but it's not all the time.
Have to say, in China young people always use those things just like they aren't able to chat normally if don't use it.
And by this, the ability to express themselves in text is becoming vestigial, especially on 00's people.
I hate that. But I use tickets too because it's too convenient.
And emoji is an old-fashion as the symbol of the fogeys. People using emoji is fewer and fewer. Like ":-D" "XD" or "o((>ω< ))o" "(⊙ˍ⊙)?".
If I am talking to either friends or family, I don't mind using things such as GIFS or Stickers when I am chatting.
When it comes to something professional when I am messaging, I always avoid using anything such as GIFS or Stickers as I do not feel that is very professional.
It's called chatting not Gifing or sticker texting. I hardly use any of them in my chat. When I'm ready to hold a conversation, I like it flowing with words and not ruined with too many gifs or stickers.